The language of fashion / Roland Barthes ; translated by Andy Stafford ; edited by Andy Stafford and Michael Carter.
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Clothing history -- History and sociology of clothing : some methodological observations -- Language and clothing -- Towards sociology of dress -- Systems and structures -- Blue is in fashion this year : a not on research in signifying units in fashion clothing -- From gemstones to jewellery -- Dandyism and fashion -- [An early preface to] The fashion system -- Fashion, a strategy of desire : round-table discussion with Jean Duvignaud and Henri Lefebvre -- Fashion and the social sciences (interview) -- On the fashion system (interview) -- Fashion debates and interpretations -- The contest between Chanel and Courrèges : refereed by a philosopher -- A case of cultural criticism -- Showing how rhetoric works -- Clothes, fashion and system in the writings of Roland Barthes "something out of nothing" / by Andy Stafford.
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